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Virtual Desktop


Hosted desktops streamline your workflow by making your desktop available online using Citrix technology which allows you to work with your applications and files from anywhere in the world. Suited to large office environments as well as single users, virtual hosted desktops can improve efficiency and save money.

Hosted Desktops

Your Cloud Desktop is a hosted, virtual desktop that looks and performs exactly like a standard computer desktop. Desktop as a Service is usable from any location in the world with an internet connection, your personal files are accessed over a secure connection through any device that supports a standard web browser, making a hosted desktop from WHOA a convenient and secure solution.

Virtual Desktop and Cloud Solutions from ABC Tech Group

If you’re looking for a way to save money and help grow your business, consider using Virtual Desktop with Cloud Solutions. Having a Virtual Desktop allows you to both save money and help streamline your IT processes. It will also help you keep your sensitive and important files more secure and will greatly reduce downtime in the event of data disasters.

How Virtual Desktop Helps Save You Money

The biggest way you can save money with Virtual Desktop is the ability to keep all of your programs in one place. Then, all of members of the company can access those programs from their own computers, eliminating the need to purchase separate programs and updates for each individual computer.

How Cloud Solutions Help Streamline Your Business

Cloud Solutions from ABC Tech Group allow your business to be as flexible as you need it. You have absolute control over all of the information stored in your cloud, so you can give as much access to each individual as you want. This keeps all of your information secure while still giving employees access to the information that they need.

Things stored on the cloud are then accessible from any number of devices, including Macs, PC’s, iPads, tablets, and smart phones. With such a great variety of file access options, employees can always get to the file that they need when and where they need it, so there’s no need to carry around multiple devices or USB sticks.

Get Extra Security for Your Data

All of your data is backed up every day, ensuring that you won’t lose weeks of work on your next big project due to a system failure. All of your data is stored digitally, which keeps it safe from viruses and malware that attack hard drives. This adds up to greater security for your data which will help save you time and money in the event of data disasters.

One of the biggest risks to sensitive data is theft. Theft of data will not only hurt your own company because of a loss of data, but it can also hurt your business because of the loss of customer trust that occurs when a customer’s information is compromised because of your company. Having information stored in secure Cloud Solutions with ABC means not needing to store it on physical computers or USB sticks that can be easily hacked or stolen.

Tech Support When You Need It

ABC Tech Group is devoted to providing quality services to small and large businesses in the form of Virtual Desktop and Cloud Solutions. What helps them stand out from other IT companies is that they provide 24 hour support, 365 days per year. That means that they’ll work for you when you need them, not just when it’s convenient to them.

Hosted Desktop Features & Benefits

  • Save Money. No need to purchase expensive computer hardware. Cloud Desktop even includes the latest Microsoft Office software suite with free upgrades.
  • Convenient to Use. Access your virtual desktop from anywhere in the world with an internet connection and a device with a web browser.
  • High Availability. We provide a zero downtime network so you can always access your Cloud Desktop hosted desktop.
  • Fully Backed Up. All files in your hosted desktop are backed up daily and stored off-site for maximum piece of mind.
  • Streamlined User Performance. The Cloud Desktop uses Citrix technology to provide smooth, uninterrupted service.
  • Managed by IT Professionals. Our unlimited ‘extra mile’ support allows you to focus on your business.
  • Enterprise-class Hosting Platform. Your WHOA Networks hosted desktop is based on our ‘Best-In-Class’ architecture, which utilizes technology designed specifically for the cloud.